NATURELO Magnesium Glycinate Supplement – 200 mg Glycinate Chelate

2.150 EGP

  • الماغنيسيوم النباتى مصنع من الخضروات والبذور العضوية 200 مجم للكبسولة لإسترخاء الجسم والعقل
  • يتم إستخلاص الماغنيسيوم النباتى العضوى من الخضروات وبذور عضوية ومنها السبانخ العضوية والسلق والباميه والفاصوليا السوداء وبذور اليقطين وبذور عباد الشمس وبذور الكتان
  • جلايسينات الماغنيسيوم كلاتيد لأفضل إمتصاص وأفضل توافر بيولوجى ولطيف على المعدة
  • يدعم الماغنيسيوم وظائف العضلات ويقلل من تشنجات العضلات ويدعم صحة الأعصاب ويخفف التوتر ويعمل على الإسترخاء
  • يدعم الماغنيسيوم الجهاز العصب ويساعد على تنظيم الميلاتونين و الجابا لتحسين النوم الصحى وتقليل الضغوط وتحسين المزاج
  •  يساعد الماغنيسيوم فى إنتاج الطاقة و يساعد على توصيل الجلوكوز الى العضلات ويساعد فى تنظيم تقلص العضلات لدعم النشاط البدنى
  •  يدعم الماغنيسيوم وظائف الأوعية الدموية ويحافظ على الدورة الدموية ويساعد فى الحفاظ على وظائف القلب الطبيعية
  • تعتقد شركة ناتشرلو الأمريكية أن أفضل الفيتامينات والمعادن تأتى من الطبيعة وليس من المختبر وهذا هو السبب فى أن مكملاتنا مصنوعة من مكونات نباتية عضوية طبيعية ونظيفة ويسهل على الجسم إمتصاصها و إستخدامها ونعتقد انك ستشعر بالفرق
  •  نباتى وطبيعى وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • علبة إقتصادية تكفى 4 أشهر بمعدل كبسولة يومياً
  • Plant-Based Supplement: Made with organic vegetables and seeds with naturally-occuring magnesium, including organic spinach, swiss chard, okra, quinoa, black bean, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed and flaxseed.
  • Magnesium Glycinate Chelate: 200 mg Magnesium chelated with Glycine for better absorption and bioavailability. Glycinate is easy on the stomach, non-laxative, and enhances the natural calming benefits of magnesium.*
  • Relax Nerves & Muscles: Magnesium supports healthy muscle and nerve function to help relieve tension and discomfort for healthy physical performance, recovery, and relaxation.*
  • Supports Calm & Sleep: Magnesium supports the parasympathetic nervous system and helps regulate melatonin and GABA for a healthy stress response, calm mood, and better sleep.*
  • Clean Label: Made in the USA in a GMP compliant facility. Vegan, non-GMO, and does not contain soy, gluten, yeast, dairy, eggs, nuts, caffeine, coloring, preservatives, or flavoring.

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SKU: 19659 Category: Tag:
magnesium, body, mind, naturelo

glycinate, chelate, organic, whole food, vegan, non-gmo

At NATURELO, we believe that the best vitamins and minerals come from nature, not from a lab. That’s why our supplements are made with clean, plant-based and functional ingredients that are easy for your body to absorb and use. We think you’ll feel the difference.

plant based nutrition

clean ingredients


GMP certified

Plant-Based Nutrition

Real food ingredients grown in sunshine, water, and soil.

Keepin’ It Clean

Non-GMO with no artificial preservatives or additives.

Whole Body Health

Supplements to support your energy, health, and well-being.

3rd Party Verified

Made in a GMP-audited facility and lab tested for purity.

nature, love

relax, sleep


health, heart

Relaxation & Sleep

Magnesium helps muscles and nerves relax to help relieve tension and stress, and helps boost GABA activity to support calm and sleep.*

Exercise Support

Magnesium assists with energy production, helps deliver glucose to the muscles, and helps regulate muscle contraction to support physical activity.*

Heart Health

Magnesium supports healthy blood vessel function to help maintain healthy circulation, and helps maintain normal heart rhythm.*

You May Be Lacking Magnesium If:

healthy food

calcium support

water softener, fluoride

You Don’t Eat Enough Healthy Foods

Magnesium is mostly found in leafy greens, whole grains, beans & nuts. A diet high in sugar & saturated fat reduces magnesium levels.

You Take Calcium or Vitamin D

Magnesium helps the body to metabolize calcium & vitamin D properly. Higher intake of these requires more magnesium.*

You Drink Treated Water

Water softeners & cleansing chemicals like fluoride & chlorine reduce the amount of magnesium in your drinking water.

birth control

exercise, workout

couple, seniors

You’re on the Pill

Hormonal birth control pills can reduce levels of several vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, especially with long-term use.

You Work Out a Lot

Your body uses up more magnesium during physical exercise, as it’s involved in energy production and healthy muscle function.*

You’re Getting Older

Natural changes during the aging process reduce nutrient absorption in the gut and increase the excretion of magnesium.

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


200 mg

Imported From

United States








Vegeterian Capsules


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