Natural Factors – L-Tyrosine, Supports Stress Management, 60 Vegetarian Capsules تيروسين لدعم وظائف المخ 60 كبسولة نباتية

1.397 EGP

  • التيروزين هو حمض أمينى ينتج بشكل طبيعى فى الجسم
  • هو مكمل غذائى يستخدم لتحسين اليقظة والإنتباه والتركيز وهو ينتج مواد كيميائية مهمه فى المخ تساعد الخلايا العصبية على التواصل وتنظيم الحالة المزاجية
  • يساعد التيروزين في صنع العديد من المواد المهمه والادرينالين والدوبامين
  •  يعمل على تنظيم هرمونات الغدة الكظرية والغدة الدرقية والغدة النخامية
  •  يساعد فى علاج الإكتئاب
  • وتقليل الضغوط  وزيادة الطاقة
  • CALM + ALERT: Natural Factors L-Tyrosine supports stress management and promotes energy.
  • QUALITY YOU CAN TRUST: Natural Factors amino acids are the highest quality pharmaceutical grade products available.
  • LOCAL, ORGANIC, AND NON-GMO: Because Natural Factors Farms are certified organic, we don’t pollute the earth with pesticides and chemical fertilizers. We grow true species non-hybridized, non-GMO seeds, including many open-pollinated varieties. Growing locally also helps reduce the carbon emissions from overseas transportation, and keep jobs in the community.
  • JUST THE RIGHT SIZE: We believe we need to be big enough to do it right. We are one of the only nutritional companies to have our own organic farms, our own extraction, encapsulation, and production facilities, our own labs and research facilities. We are also one of the few branded manufacturers of nutraceuticals in North America to have our own softgel encapsulation facility.
  • WHERE GREAT HEALTH BEGINS: Today, Natural Factors is one of the largest manufacturers of nutritional products in North America. But our origins reach back to the 1950s, and right from day one, we’ve always been fully committed to making products right. We are not a public company with shareholders to impress. Instead, we care about impressing you.

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SKU: 18522 Category:

Safety Information


Keep out of reach of children.




Stress, Relax, Natural Stress Relief, Calm, Amino Acids, L-Tyrosine




L-Tyrosine (Pharmaceutical Grade) Amt Per Serving:1000 mg % Daily Value :N/A,,




Suggested Usage:2 capsules 3 times per day or as directed by a health professional.


Legal Disclaimer





Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


1000 mg

Imported From

United States






Vegeterian Capsules


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