Horbaach DHEA 100mg | 200 Capsules | Non-GMO, Gluten Free Supplement هرمون 100مجم ، 200 كبسولة ، داعم صحة الشيخوخة، وحفظ التوازن الهرمونى للرجال والنساء DHEA

2.425 EGP

  •  DHEAهرمون يفرز من الغده الكظرية ويتحول الى الهرمونات الجنسية التستوسترون والاستروجين
  • بسبب السن او الأمراض يؤدى الى إنخفاض تكوينه
  • لذا يحسن صحة الشيخوخة للرجال والنساء وخاصة فوق 30عام، ويقلل الأمراض المرتبطه بها
  • عالى التركيز 100مجم للجرعة، و عالى النقاء وسريع الإمتصاص
  • يعمل على تحسين الصحة الجنسية وزيادة الرغبة الجنسية
  • يعمل على حفظ التوازن الهرمونى للرجال والنساء
  • لتحسين صحة العظام والتخلص من دهون الجسم
  • لعلاج الإكتئاب وتحسين المزاج وتحسين سن اليأس ويحسن عمل الغدة الكظرية
  • خالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • HEALTHY AGING: Promotes natural, healthy levels of DHEA that can decline in men and women over 30*
  • ABSORPTION: Delivers 100mg of this healthy-aging ingredient in potent, quick-release capsules*
  • BALANCE: A naturally occurring hormone known for supporting healthy moods and mental clarity*
  • HORBAACH MANUFACTURERS: Laboratory Tested, Trusted Ingredients, Superior Quality, 100% Guaranteed
  • NATURALLY FREE OF: Gluten, Wheat, Yeast, Milk, Lactose, Soy, Artificial Color & Flavoring & NON-GMO

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DHEA for Healthy Hormone Balance: DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced by your adrenal gland. Natural levels of DHEA peak in early adulthood and gradually decline as you age. By age 30, your natural DHEA levels begin to reduce dramatically. It’s important to supplement with high-quality DHEA supplements to restore natural levels and promote healthy-aging.*

How to Get DHEA Support Now: There are a variety of DHEA supplements like tablets, capsules, softgels, liquids, powder and more. Some formulas include additional multivitamins and nutrients for a dynamic effect. This naturally occurring hormone is a vital addition to both women and men’s health routine.

About our DHEA Formula: Our maximum strength DHEA delivers healthy hormone support in 100 mg quick-release capsules.* Healthy DHEA levels can help maintain normal energy, muscle health and weight management.* It is Gluten Free, Non-GMO; Free of Wheat, Yeast, Milk, Lactose, Soy, Artificial Color, Artificial Flavor. Support your healthy adrenal gland function with Horbaach’s high-quality DHEA supplement, for optimal aging.*

supports natural hormone levels*
100mg capsules
free of
Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


100 mg

Imported From

United States








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