hauer Haturprodukte 250g organic Chlorella pyrenoidosa, 1000 pellets, from controlled organic cultivation الكلوريلا العضويه 250 مجم

3.806 EGP

  • الكلوريلا العضوية نوع من الطحالب ينمو فى الماء العذب و غنى بالأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات والمعادن التى يجعلها غذاء خارق لصحة الانسان
  • طحلب الكلوريلا النباتى العضوى النقى 100%
  • الكلوريلا مضاد للأكسدة ومضاد للإلتهابات
  • تحسن صحة وظائف الجهاز المناعى والجهاز العصبى
  • لصحة الجلد والشعر والأظافر و يحارب الشيخوخة والتجاعيد
  • يحسن الكلوريلا صحة القلب والأوعية الدموية ولصحة وظائف المخ
  • يحسن ضغط الدم و يخفض نسبه الكولسترول الضار
  • آمن وخالى من مسببات الحساسية

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SKU: 22020 Category:

Chlorellais a green, unicellular freshwater alga the size of a red blood cell. These microalgae are among the oldest organisms capable of photosynthesis. They were formed around 2.5 billion years ago and made a decisive contribution to the development of today’s oxygen-rich atmosphere. In Asia, chlorella has traditionally been consumed and produced for centuries. The organic cultivation of our Chlorella algae is carried out according to EU organic guidelines and controlled by the German internationally accredited certification body Ceres. The use of drinking water quality or well water is prescribed for aquaculture. The harvested algae are gently spray-dried at a low temperature and then processed into tablets á 250mg without the use of additives. Ingredients: 100% Chlorella pyrenoidosa microalgae powder from controlled organic cultivation Consumption recommendation: Consume 10 tablets 3 times a day before or during meals with sufficient liquid. Note: Store out of the reach of small children. Dietary supplements are no substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. The recommended daily dose should not be exceeded.

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+

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