Dr Berg’s Nutritional Yeast Tablets – Natural B12 Added – All 8 B Vitamin Complex – 270 Vegan Tablets Dietary Supplements حبوب الخميرة ، مصدر طبيعى ممتاز لفيتامينات ب مع فيتامين ب12 الطبيعى ، 270 حباية نباتية

4.850 EGP

  • شركة دكتور بيرج الأمريكية الأفضل فى صناعة المكملات الغذائية
  • تشتهر شركة دكتور بيرج بإنتاج منتجات نباتية وطبيعية وحاصله على العديد من شهادات الجودة العالمية
  • الخميرة مصدر طبيعى ممتاز لفيتامينات ب مع فيتامين ب12 الطبيعى
  • تحسن الخميرة من عمليات التمثيل الغذائى للكربوهيدرات والبروتينات و الدهون وزيادة إنتاج الطاقة
  • تحسن المزاج وزيادة الشعور الايجابى وتحسن الصحة العامة للجسم
  • تحقق أقصى قدر من حرق الدهون و توليد الطاقة و إنقاص الوزن بطريقة أمنه وصحيه
  • تحد من الجوع والرغبة الشديدة فى الطعام
  • نباتى 100% وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  • Every serving helps your body maximize optimal positive health outputs while reducing negative side effects that can happen when adapting to a Ketogenic lifestyle.
  • Nothing artificial or genetically modified, which means you get all the goodness as nature intended, metabolism and many other body processes.
  • The positive effects of each B vitamin combines for an exponentially increased overall positive feelings in your mood, energy, and health.
  • A convenient way to get nutritional yeast. No more consuming the powder and having it stick to your teeth. Simply take the tablet and swallow.
  • If for any reason you’re not happy with the results you experience within the first 30 days, we’re happy to give you a refund! Simply send us a message. The refund will be processed as long as it is requested within 30 days of purchase, NO EXCEPTIONS. There is no need to return the product back to us! Note: SHIPPING COST IS NON-REFUNDABLE.

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Product Description

Let me tell you a bit about myself and my history. Since graduating from chiropractic school, most people call me Dr. Berg—officially, Dr. Eric Berg, DC, or just The Knowledge Doc. My main passion has been and continues to be teaching people about health-related topics, including Healthy Keto and intermittent fasting as a basic long-term eating plan. I love dissecting complex health problems, breaking them down so they are easy to understand, and connecting symptoms to a real cause.

In my 30 years of practice in Alexandria, Virginia, I had the opportunity to personally work with over 40,000 people using natural methods, nutrition, and the healthy version of the ketogenic diet (Healthy Keto). My clients have included senior officials in the U.S. Government, medical doctors, actors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, professors, engineers, as well as nurses, stay-at-home moms, and high school students. People from all walks of life and from all over the world visited me. I also devotedly did my in-house seminars several times a week, including external seminars in Governmental agencies, including the Library of Congress, Federal Communication Commission, National Institute of Science, FBI, and many others.

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+

Imported From

United States






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