
Dr Berg Veggie Solution Plain (Unflavored) محلول نباتى ، الخام الأخضر بدون طعم ، مسحوق الطعام الخارق ، 420 جرام

Original price was: 3.168 EGP.Current price is: 1.550 EGP.

  • الخام الأخضر غنى بالأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات والمعادن والألياف وأوميجا3 وعناصر أخرى
  • تحتوى معلقتين في اليوم على نفس العناصر الغذائية الموجودة فى 6 أكواب من الخضار النباتية الكاملة
  • لذيذ و بدون طعم ، وسريع الذوبان يذوب فى ثانية
  • مصدر ملىء بالمغذيات من مضادات الأكسدة والفيتامينات والمعادن والمغذيات النباتية قد يتفوق على الأطعمة الخارقة مثل الكلوريلا والإسبيرولينا
  • الألياف النباتية تحسن صحة الأمعاء وتساعد على إنتظام عملية الهضم
  • مكافح للشيخوخة يحسن صحة القلب والرؤية والمخ والعضلات والعظام والمفاصل مع تقدم السن
  • يجعل فقدان الوزن أسهل من خلال تحسين التمثيل الغذائى الطبيعى وتزويدك بالالياف والبروتين وتقليل الشهية
  • نباتى %100 وخالى من مسببات الحساسية

Dr. Berg’s Veggie Solution is designed to support you with the same incredible health benefits you get from fruits and vegetables.


  • Listen to your mother. Your body is designed to use nutrients and minerals from fruits and vegetables. All the different ways they promote your health could fill up pages. It’s one of your best choices to support whole-body health.
  • Gives you an abundance of healthy nutrients. This nutrient-packed source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients may even beat out superfoods like chlorella or spirulina. 
  • Promotes gut health and bowel movements. The vegetable fiber in Dr. Berg’s Veggie Solution – supports a healthy gut, helping to promote regularity in your digestion.
  • Supports anti-aging efforts. The phytonutrients in this product can support your heart, vision, brain, muscles, bones, and joints as you age.
  • Makes weight loss easier. By supporting a normal metabolism and providing you with fiber and protein to help reduce appetite, you may find that the nutrition in this product can help you with your weight loss efforts.

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Your mother always said you needed vegetables to be healthy. But fruits and vegetables can be expensive to buy and take long to cook. Experts recommend at least four cups of fruits and vegetables a day. That number can go up if your greens are farmed in depleted soils. This veggie solution is the cost-effective and convenient way to support your body with nutrients.


Form: Powder

Serving size: 1 scoop (7.5 g)

Servings per container: 56

Suggested use: Mix 1 scoop (7.5 g) in a 16 oz. (450 ml) glass of water two times per day.



  • Two scoops per day can have the same nutrients as 6 cups of vegetables.
  • Packed with amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fiber, omega 3s, and other beneficial phytonutrients.
  • No sweeteners or added flavoring.
  • No soy, gluten, or dairy and 100% vegan.
  • Costs a fraction of fruits and vegetables. 69 cents per serving. 
Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+

Imported From

United States




420 g




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