Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine, Non-GMO, Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy Free, Helps Maintain Blood Sugar Levels, 150 mg, 360 Veggie Caps دكتور بيست بنفوتيامين النباتى للحفاظ على مستويات السكر فى الدم ، 150مجم ، 360 كبسولة نباتية

3.010 EGP

  • البنفوتيامين هو مشتق من الثيامين فيتامين ب1  قابل للذوبان فى الدهون تسمح قابلية الذوبان في الدهون بإختراق الخلايا العصبية بسهولة أكبر ، وهو متوفر بيولوجيا وقد يكون خيار افضل لعلاج نقص فيتامين ب1 ويظل متوفرا فى الجسم 4 مرات أطول من الثيامين القابل للذوبان في الماء
  •  يحافظ على صحة الجهاز العصبى ويحسن الأداء المعرفى لمرضى الزهايمر ويحسن ضعف الإدراك لديه
  •  يقلل تلف الأعصاب الناجم عن مرض السكرى
  •  يخفف من أضرار التدخين ويقلل من أمراض القلب والأوعية الدموية لديه
  •  له خواص مضادة للأكسدة وخواص مضادة للإلتهابات
  • يساعد فى تنظيم مستويات الجلوكوز فى الدم ويساعد فى مواجهة المشكلات الصحية الخطيرة المتعلقة بإرتفاع نسبة السكر فى الدم
  •  يدعم عملية التمثيل الغذائى للجلوكوز وعملية إنتاج الطاقة فى الخلية
  •  نباتى وخالى من مسببات الحساسية
  •  كبسولة واحدة يومياً مع الطعام او بدونه وعبوة تكفى لمدة تصل إلى سنة
  • Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble highly bioavailable derivative of thiamine (Vitamin B1).* Benfotiamine is activated in the bloodstream to release thiamine, and remains available in the body four times longer than water-soluble thiamin.* Benfotiamine activates transketolase, a cellular enzyme essential for glucose metabolism pathway.* It helps support the circulatory and nervous systems with radical-scavenging action against oxidative stress, providing a positive influence on Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs).*
  • GLUCOSE METABOLISM SUPPORT – Glucose is one of our body’s best sources of energy – and is available through bread, fruits, vegetables and more. Taking Benfotiamine daily can assist in regulating glucose levels, already within normal range, and help to counter the serious health issues related to sustained high blood sugar.*
  • MANAGE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR – Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble derivative of thiamine, a super nutrient linked to maintaining normal glucose levels.* A derivative of thiamine, Benfotiamine is more bioavailable and can be absorbed at higher doses than its counterpart, thiamine. For those with glucose levels within normal range, Benfotiamine can be a powerful tool in supporting healthy blood sugar levels and protecting against oxidative stress.*
  • MAINTAINS NERVOUS SYSTEM HEALTH – by taking Benfotiamine the blood levels of vitamin B1 can be boosted, supporting the body’s nerves and nervous system.*
  • Label images may vary

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What is Doctor’s Best Benfotiamine?

Benfotiamine (S-benzoylthiamine-O-monophosphate) is a synthetic derivative of thiamin (Vitamin B1) belonging to the family of compounds known as allithiamines. Benfotiamine is fat-soluble and more bioavailable and physiologically active than thiamin.* Benfotiamine helps maintain healthy cells in the presence of blood glucose, provides support against oxidative stress, and supports healthy aging.*

How does it work?

Benfotiamine raises the blood level of thiamin pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active coenzyme of thiamin, and stimulates transketolase, a cellular enzyme essential for maintenance of normal glucose metabolic pathways. Benfotiamine can greatly improve thiamin status, especially in comparison with regular forms of thiamin. In a randomized, double-blind crossover trial comparing bioavailability of benfotiamine to that of thiamin mononitrate (the most common supplemental form of vitamin B1) in 12 individuals, benfotiamine caused an average 5-fold greater increase in blood thiamin levels than thiamin mononitrate, with a concomitant greater thiamin concentration in red blood cells. Benfotiamine is converted to S-benzoylthiamin (through removal of the O-monophosphate by the digestive tract), which readily passes through intestinal cells and is converted into thiamin.

Why take Best Benfotiamine?

Benfotiamine is fat-soluble and more bioavailable and physiologically active than thiamin.* Benfotiamine helps maintain healthy cells in the presence of blood glucose, provides support against oxidative stress, and supports healthy aging.* Benfotiamine helps maintain healthy glucose metabolism by increasing blood and tissue levels of thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP), the biologically active co-enzyme form of thiamine.*TPP acts as a co-enzyme for three critical enzymes involved in glucose metabolism: 1) transketolase, 2) pyruvate dehydrogenase, and 3) a-ketogutarate decarboxylase. The latter two enzymes are involved in utilizing glucose for fuel. Thus, TTP is vital to the cell’s energy supply

Age & Gender

Female Teens, Male Teens, Men, Men 50+, Men 70+, Women, Women 50+, Women 70+


150 mg

Imported From

United States






Veg Capsules


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